
Rebel Rockets is a Community based club, not a registered charity, and relies completely on the generosity of our supporters and the community. We have been very fortunate to have a number of regular supporters who have so generously contributed to the development and ongoing success of Rebel Rockets.

You can support Rebel Rockets in a number of ways including organising fundraising events, equipment sponsorship or private / corporate donations. We would be delighted to discuss them in more detail with you and greatly appreciate your support.

We would like to thank all our supporters for their continued support and kindness which allows us to further develop our club. All donations and sponsorships directly benefit all our athletes and improve the club.

Here are some of our main supporters

Examples of fundraising events we have benefited from:

  • Local national school, Ovens National School, had their “Lá Glas” (Green Day) and donated all proceeds to Rebel Rockets
  • Ladies Guild and Mothers Union hosted a coffee morning and donated all proceeds to Rebel Rockets
  • Raffles and other fundraising events have been held for our benefit
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